The psychology behind better meetings
Where do you stand on meetings? Here are two lines of thought.
1. Meetings are a necessity. They bring teams together, find ways of clearing obstacles, provide a forum for discussing complaints, discuss the way forward on current projects and generally deal with work-related goals.
2. Meetings are unnecessary. They are a waste of time and energy, interrupt workflow, have a negative effect on those forced to attend and can result in frustration and reduced productivity.
Love them or loath them, we can’t get away from the fact that we organise and attend more meetings today than was ever the case in the past. The trick is to arrange the right kind of meeting, in the right place at the right time.
There is a line of thought that says that, if you have a meeting coming up, try an experiment – cancel it and see what happens. It is possible that giving your workforce more uninterrupted time might actually increase productivity.
But don’t let’s be too negative about this. The majority of meetings are both necessary and useful. Handle them right and improvements to any organisation or business will occur gradually, one meeting at time.
To address these issues and more, NFS Technology Group has introduced a new series of three White Papers under the general heading of The Psychology of Booking and Running Meetings. Part 1, The Psychology of Successful Meetings is available now. Download it here.